//SCULLCOM HOBBY ELECTRONICS //ELECTRONIC DC LOAD PROJECT //Software Version 12 //25th February 2017 #include //include SPI library (Serial Peripheral Interface) #include //include I2C library #include // #include // F Malpartida's NewLiquidCrystal library // https://bitbucket.org/fmalpartida/new-liquidcrystal/downloads/NewliquidCrystal_1.3.4.zip #include // #include //Adafruit DAC library https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_MCP4725 #include //Steve Marple library avaiable from https://github.com/stevemarple/MCP342x #include //Scullcom Hobby Electronics library http://www.scullcom.com/MCP79410Timer-master.zip #include //http://playground.arduino.cc/Code/Keypad const byte ROWS = 4; //four rows const byte COLS = 4; //four columns //define the cymbols on the buttons of the keypads char hexaKeys[ROWS][COLS] = { {'1','2','3','A'}, {'4','5','6','B'}, {'7','8','9','C'}, {'*','0','#','D'} }; byte rowPins[ROWS] = {5, 6, 7, 8}; //connect to the row pinouts of the keypad byte colPins[COLS] = {9, 10, 11, 12}; //connect to the column pinouts of the keypad //initialize an instance of class NewKeypad Keypad customKeypad = Keypad(makeKeymap(hexaKeys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS); char customKey; Adafruit_MCP4725 dac; //constructor uint8_t address = 0x68; //0x68 is the default address for the MCP3426 device MCP342x adc = MCP342x(address); const byte MCP79410_ADDRESS = 0x6f; //0x6f is the default address for the MCP79410 Real Time Clock IC MCP79410_Timer timer = MCP79410_Timer(MCP79410_ADDRESS); //Set the pins on the I2C chip used for LCD connections //ADDR,EN,R/W,RS,D4,D5,D6,D7 LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,2,1,0,4,5,6,7); //0x27 is the default address of the LCD with I2C bus module const byte pinA = 3; //digital pin (also interrupt pin) for the A pin of the Rotary Encoder const byte pinB = 4; //digital pin for the B pin of the Rotary Encoder const byte CursorPos = 17; //analog pin A3 used as a digital pin to set cursor position (rotary encoder push button) const byte LoadOnOff = 15; //analog pin A1 used as a digital pin to set Load ON/OFF const byte ZeroSet = 16; //analog pin A2 used as a digital pin to set Zero Readings const byte fan = 2; //digital pin 2 for fan control output const byte temperature = A0; //analog pin used for temperature output from LM35 int temp; // int tempMin = 26; //temperature at which to start the fan int tempMax = 50; //maximum temperature when fan speed at 100% int fanSpeed; float BatteryLife = 0; // float BatteryLifePrevious = 0; // float Seconds = 0; // float BatteryCutoffVolts; //used to set battery discharge cut-off voltage (was 3.0) float MaxBatteryCurrent = 1.0; //maximum battery current allowed for Battery Capacity Testing int stopSeconds; //store for seconds when timer stopped int CP = 8; //cursor start position boolean toggle = false; //used for toggle of Load On/Off button unsigned long controlVoltage = 0; //used for DAC to control MOSFET long current = 0; //variable used by ADC for measuring the current long voltage = 0; //variable used by ADC for measuring the voltage float reading = 0; //variable for Rotary Encoder value divided by 1000 float setCurrent = 0; //variable used for the set current of the load float setPower = 0; //variable used for the set power of the load float setResistance = 0; //variable used for the set resistance of the load float setCurrentCalibrationFactor = 1.000; //May use this for calibration adjustment later float dacCalibrationFactor = 1.010; //calibration adjustment for the DAC reference voltage of 4.096V float voltageOffset = 0; //variable to store voltage reading zero offset adjustment at switch on float currentOffset = 0; //variable to store current reading zero offset adjustment at switch on float setControlCurrent = 0; //variable used to set the temporary store for control current required int VoltsDecimalPlaces = 3; //number of decimal places used for Voltage display on LCD float ActualVoltage = 0; //variable used for Actual Voltage reading of Load float ActualCurrent = 0; //variable used for Actual Current reading of Load float ActualPower = 0; //variable used for Actual Power reading of Load float PowerCutOff = 50; //maximum Power allowed in Watts - then limited to this level CAN BE CHANGED AS REQUIRED float CurrentCutOff = 5; //maximum Current setting allowed in Amps - then limited to this level float BatteryCurrent; // float LoadCurrent; // int setReading = 0; // int ControlVolts = 0; //used to set output current float OutputVoltage = 0; // String Mode =" "; //used to identify which mode int modeSelected = 0; //Mode status flag int lastCount = 50; // volatile float encoderPosition = 0; // volatile unsigned long factor= 0; //number of steps to jump volatile unsigned long encoderMax = 50000; //sets maximum Rotary Encoder value allowed CAN BE CHANGED AS REQUIRED float LiPoCutOffVoltage = 3.0; float LiFeCutOffVoltage = 2.8; float NiCdCutOffVoltage = 1.0; float ZiZnCutOffVoltage = 1.0; float PbAcCutOffVoltage = 1.75; String BatteryType =" "; byte exitMode = 0; //used to exit battery selection menu and return to CC Mode char numbers[20]; // keypad number entry - Plenty to store a representation of a float byte index = 0; int z =0; //--------------------------------Interrupt Routine for Rotary Encoder------------------------ void isr() { static unsigned long lastInterruptTime = 0; unsigned long interruptTime = millis(); if (interruptTime - lastInterruptTime > 5) { // if (digitalRead(pinB) == LOW) { encoderPosition = encoderPosition - factor; }else{ encoderPosition = encoderPosition + factor; } encoderPosition = min(encoderMax, max(0, encoderPosition)); // sets maximum range of rotary encoder lastInterruptTime = interruptTime; } } //---------------------------------Initial Set up--------------------------------------- void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); //used for testing only Wire.begin(); //join i2c bus (address optional for master) MCP342x::generalCallReset(); // Reset devices delay(1); //MC342x needs 300us to settle, wait 1ms - (may not be required) pinMode (pinA, INPUT); pinMode (pinB, INPUT); pinMode (CursorPos, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode (LoadOnOff, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode (ZeroSet, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode (fan, OUTPUT); pinMode (temperature, INPUT); analogReference(INTERNAL); //use Arduino internal reference for tempurature monitoring attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(pinA), isr, LOW); dac.begin(0x61); //the DAC I2C address with MCP4725 pin A0 set high dac.setVoltage(0,false); //reset DAC to zero for no output current set at Switch On lcd.begin(20, 4); //set up the LCD's number of columns and rows lcd.setBacklightPin(3,POSITIVE); // BL, BL_POL lcd.setBacklight(HIGH); //set LCD backlight on lcd.clear(); //clear LCD display lcd.setCursor(6,0); //set LCD cursor to column 0, row 4 lcd.print("SCULLCOM"); //print SCULLCOM to display with 5 leading spaces (you can change to your own) lcd.setCursor(1,1); //set LCD cursor to column 0, row 1 (start of second line) lcd.print("Hobby Electronics"); //print Hobby Electronics to display (you can change to your own) lcd.setCursor(1,2); lcd.print("DC Electronic Load"); // lcd.setCursor(0,3); lcd.print("Software Version 12"); // delay(3000); //1500 mSec delay for intro display lcd.clear(); //clear dislay lcd.setCursor(8,0); lcd.print("OFF"); //indicate that LOAD is off at start up Current(); //sets current mode to CC (Constant Current) at Power Up customKey = customKeypad.getKey(); } //------------------------------------------Main Program Loop--------------------------------- void loop() { readKeypadInput(); //read Keypad entry LoadSwitch(); //Load on/off zeroOffset(); //check if zero LCD readings selected lcd.setCursor(18,3); //sets display of Mode indicator at bottom right of LCD lcd.print(Mode); //display mode selected on LCD (CC, CP, CR or BC) reading = encoderPosition/1000; //read input from rotary encoder maxConstantCurrentSetting(); //set maxiumum Current allowed in Constant Current Mode (CC) powerLevelCutOff(); //Check if Power Limit has been exceed batteryCurrentLimitValue(); //Battery Discharge Constant Current Limit Value in BC Mode displayEncoderReading(); //display rotary encoder input reading on LCD delay(10); //used to test - may not be required lastCount = encoderPosition; //store rotary encoder current position CursorPosition(); //check and change the cursor position if cursor button pressed readVoltageCurrent(); //routine for ADC's to read actual Voltage and Current ActualReading(); //Display actual Voltage, Current readings and Actual Wattage dacControl(); dacControlVoltage(); //sets the drive voltage to control the MOSFET batteryCapacity(); //test if Battery Capacity (BC) mode is selected - if so action fanControl(); //call heatsink fan control } //----------------------Read Keypad Input----------------------------------------------------- void readKeypadInput (void) { customKey = customKeypad.getKey(); // if (customKey != NO_KEY){ //only used for testing keypad // Serial.print("customKey = "); //only used for testing keypad // Serial.println(customKey); //only used for testing keypad // } //only used for testing keypad if(customKey == 'A'){ //check if Constant Current button pressed toggle = false; //switch Load OFF lcd.setCursor(8,0); lcd.print("OFF"); Current(); //if selected go to Constant Current Selected routine encoderPosition = 0; //reset encoder reading to zero } if(customKey == 'B'){ //check if Constant Power button pressed toggle = false; //switch Load OFF lcd.setCursor(8,0); lcd.print("OFF"); Power(); //if selected go to Constant Power Selected routine encoderPosition = 0; //reset encoder reading to zero } if(customKey == 'C'){ //check if Constant Resistance button pressed toggle = false; //switch Load OFF lcd.setCursor(8,0); lcd.print("OFF"); Resistance(); //if selected go to Constant Resistance Selected routine encoderPosition = 0; //reset encoder reading to zero } if(customKey == 'D'){ //check if Battery Capacity button pressed dac.setVoltage(0,false); //Ensures Load is OFF - sets DAC output voltage to 0 toggle = false; //switch Load OFF batteryType(); //select battery type if (exitMode == 1){ //if NO battery type selected revert to CC Mode lcd.setCursor(8,0); lcd.print("OFF"); Current(); //if selected go to Constant Current Selected routine encoderPosition = 0; //reset encoder reading to zero } else { lcd.setCursor(16,2); lcd.print(BatteryType); //print battery type on LCD lcd.setCursor(8,0); lcd.print("OFF"); timer.reset(); //reset timer BatteryLifePrevious = 0; BatteryCapacity(); //go to Battery Capacity Routine } } if (Mode != "BC"){ if(customKey >= '0' && customKey <= '9'){ //check for keypad number input numbers[index++] = customKey; numbers[index] = '\0'; lcd.setCursor(z,3); lcd.print(customKey); //show number input on LCD z = z+1; } if(customKey == '*'){ //check if ZERO READING key pressed numbers[index++] = '.'; numbers[index] = '\0'; lcd.setCursor(z,3); lcd.print("."); z = z+1; } if(customKey == '#') { //check if Load ON/OFF button pressed float x = atof(numbers); reading = x; encoderPosition = reading*1000; index = 0; numbers[index] = '\0'; z = 0; lcd.setCursor(0,3); lcd.print(" "); } } } //----------------------Limit Maximum Current Setting----------------------------------------- void maxConstantCurrentSetting (void) { if (Mode == "CC" && reading > CurrentCutOff){ //Limit maximum Current Setting reading = CurrentCutOff; encoderPosition = (CurrentCutOff * 1000); //keep encoder position value at maximum Current Limit lcd.setCursor(0,3); lcd.print(" "); //20 spaces to clear last line of LCD } } //----------------------Power Level Cutoff Routine------------------------------------------- void powerLevelCutOff (void) { if (ActualPower > PowerCutOff){ //Check if Power Limit has been exceed reading = 0; encoderPosition = 0; lcd.setCursor(0,3); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(0,3); lcd.print("Exceed Power"); lcd.setCursor(8,0); lcd.print("OFF"); toggle = false; //switch Load Off } } //----------------------Constant Current Limit Value------------------------------------------ void batteryCurrentLimitValue (void) { if (Mode == "BC" && reading > MaxBatteryCurrent){ reading = MaxBatteryCurrent; encoderPosition = (MaxBatteryCurrent*1000); //keep encoder position value at 1000mA } } //----------------------Display Rotary Encoder Input Reading on LCD--------------------------- void displayEncoderReading (void) { lcd.setCursor(8,2); //start position of setting entry if (reading < 10) { //add a leading zero to display if reading less than 10 lcd.print("0"); } lcd.print (reading,3); //show input reading from Rotary Encoder on LCD lcd.setCursor (CP, 2); //sets cursor position lcd.cursor(); //show cursor on LCD } //--------------------------Cursor Position------------------------------------------------------- //Change the position routine void CursorPosition(void) { if (digitalRead(CursorPos) == LOW) { delay(200); //simple key bounce delay CP = CP + 1; if (CP==10){ CP=CP+1; } } if (CP>13){ CP=8; // } if (CP == 13){ factor = 1; } if (CP == 12) { factor = 10; } if (CP == 11){ factor = 100; } if (CP == 9){ factor = 1000; } if (CP == 8) { // factor = 10000; // } } //-----------------------Read Voltage and Current--------------------------------------------- void readVoltageCurrent (void) { MCP342x::Config status; // Initiate a conversion; convertAndRead() will wait until it can be read adc.convertAndRead(MCP342x::channel1, MCP342x::oneShot, MCP342x::resolution16, MCP342x::gain1, //"gain1" means we have select the input amp of the ADC to x1 1000000, voltage, status); // Initiate a conversion; convertAndRead() will wait until it can be read adc.convertAndRead(MCP342x::channel2, MCP342x::oneShot, MCP342x::resolution16, MCP342x::gain4, //"gain4" means we have select the input amp of the ADC to x4 1000000, current, status); } //----------------------Calculate Actual Voltage and Current and display on LCD--------------------- void ActualReading(void) { ActualCurrent = ((((current - currentOffset)*2.048)/32767) * 2.5); //calculate load current ActualVoltage = ((((voltage - voltageOffset)*2.048)/32767) * 50.4); //calculate load voltage upto 100v (was 50) ActualPower = ActualVoltage*ActualCurrent; if (ActualVoltage <10) { VoltsDecimalPlaces = 3; }else{ VoltsDecimalPlaces = 2; } lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print(ActualCurrent,3); lcd.print("A"); lcd.print(" "); //two spaces between actual current and voltage readings lcd.print(ActualVoltage,VoltsDecimalPlaces); lcd.print("V"); lcd.print(" "); lcd.print(ActualPower,2); lcd.print("W"); lcd.print(" "); } //-----------------------DAC Control Voltage for Mosfet--------------------------------------- void dacControlVoltage (void) { if (Mode == "CC"){ setCurrent = reading*1000; //set current is equal to input value in Amps setReading = setCurrent; //show the set current reading being used setControlCurrent = (setCurrent * setCurrentCalibrationFactor)* dacCalibrationFactor; controlVoltage = setControlCurrent; } if (Mode == "CP"){ setPower = reading*1000; //in Watts setReading = setPower; setCurrent = setPower/ActualVoltage; setControlCurrent = (setCurrent * setCurrentCalibrationFactor)* dacCalibrationFactor; controlVoltage = setControlCurrent; // } if (Mode == "CR"){ setResistance = reading; //in ohms setReading = setResistance; setCurrent = (ActualVoltage)/setResistance*1000; setControlCurrent = (setCurrent * setCurrentCalibrationFactor )* dacCalibrationFactor; controlVoltage = setControlCurrent; } } //-----------------------Battery Capacity Discharge Routine----------------------------------- void batteryCapacity (void) { if (Mode == "BC"){ setCurrent = reading*1000; //set current is equal to input value in Amps setReading = setCurrent; //show the set current reading being used setControlCurrent = (setCurrent * setCurrentCalibrationFactor)* dacCalibrationFactor; controlVoltage = setControlCurrent; lcd.setCursor(0,3); lcd.print (timer.getTime()); //start clock and print clock time Seconds = timer.getTotalSeconds(); //get totals seconds LoadCurrent = ActualCurrent; //if timer still running use present Actual Current reading if (timer.status() == 2){ //if timer is halted then use last Actual Current reading before timer stopped LoadCurrent = BatteryCurrent; } BatteryLife = (LoadCurrent*1000)*(Seconds/3600); //calculate battery capacity in mAh lcd.setCursor(9,3); BatteryLife = round(BatteryLife); if(BatteryLife >= BatteryLifePrevious){ //only update LCD (mAh) if BatteryLife has increased if (BatteryLife < 10) { //add a 3 leading zero to display if reading less than 10 lcd.print("000"); } if (BatteryLife >= 10 && BatteryLife <100){ //add a 2 leading zero to display lcd.print("00"); } if (BatteryLife >= 100 && BatteryLife <1000){ //add a 1 leading zero to display lcd.print("0"); } lcd.print(BatteryLife,0); lcd.setCursor(13,3); lcd.print("mAh"); BatteryLifePrevious = BatteryLife; //update displayed battery capacity on LCD } } if (Mode == "BC" && ActualVoltage <= BatteryCutoffVolts){ //stops clock if battery reached cutoff level and switch load off BatteryCurrent = ActualCurrent; dac.setVoltage(0,false); //reset DAC to zero for no output current set at switch on //Load = 0; //Load is toggled OFF toggle = false; lcd.setCursor(8,0); lcd.print("OFF"); //indicate that LOAD is off at start up timer.stop(); } } //-----------------------Fan Control---------------------------------------------------------- void fanControl (void) { temp = analogRead(temperature); temp = temp * 0.107421875; // convert to Celsius if (temp < tempMin) { //is temperature lower than minimum setting fanSpeed = 0; //fan turned off digitalWrite(fan, LOW); lcd.setCursor(16,0); lcd.print(temp); lcd.print((char)0xDF); lcd.print("C"); } if ((temp >= tempMin) && (temp <= tempMax)){ fanSpeed = map(temp, tempMin, tempMax, 131, 255); Serial.print("Fan Speed"); //used for testing only Serial.println(fanSpeed); //used for testing only analogWrite(fan, fanSpeed); lcd.setCursor(16,0); lcd.print(temp); lcd.print((char)0xDF); lcd.print("C"); } } //-----------------------Toggle Current Load ON or OFF------------------------------ void LoadSwitch(void) { if (digitalRead(LoadOnOff) == LOW) { delay(200); //simple key bounce delay if(toggle) { lcd.setCursor(8,0); lcd.print("OFF"); //Load = 0; toggle = !toggle; } else { lcd.setCursor(8,0); lcd.print("ON "); lcd.setCursor(0,3); lcd.print(" "); //clear bottom line of LCD //Load = 1; toggle = !toggle; } //delay(100); //simple delay for key debounce (commented out if not required) } } //-----------------------Select Constant Current LCD set up-------------------------------- void Current(void) { Mode = ("CC"); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("DC LOAD"); lcd.setCursor(0,2); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(0,2); lcd.print("Set I = "); lcd.setCursor(16,2); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(14,2); lcd.print("A"); lcd.setCursor(0,3); //clear last line of time info lcd.print(" "); //20 spaces so as to allow for Load ON/OFF to still show CP = 9; //sets cursor starting position to units. } //----------------------Select Constant Power LCD set up------------------------------------ void Power(void) { Mode = ("CP"); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("DC LOAD"); lcd.setCursor(0,2); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(0,2); lcd.print("Set W = "); lcd.setCursor(16,2); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(14,2); lcd.print("W"); lcd.setCursor(0,3); //clear last line of time info lcd.print(" "); //20 spaces so as to allow for Load ON/OFF to still show CP = 9; //sets cursor starting position to units. } //----------------------- Select Constant Resistance LCD set up--------------------------------------- void Resistance(void) { Mode = ("CR"); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("DC LOAD"); lcd.setCursor(0,2); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(0,2); lcd.print("Set R = "); lcd.setCursor(16,2); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(14,2); lcd.print((char)0xF4); lcd.setCursor(0,3); //clear last line of time info lcd.print(" "); //20 spaces so as to allow for Load ON/OFF to still show CP = 9; //sets cursor starting position to units. } //----------------------- Select Battery Capacity Testing LCD set up--------------------------------------- void BatteryCapacity(void) { Mode = ("BC"); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("BATTERY"); lcd.setCursor(0,2); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(0,2); lcd.print("Set I = "); lcd.setCursor(14,2); lcd.print("A"); lcd.setCursor(0,3); //clear last line of time info lcd.print(" "); //20 spaces so as to allow for Load ON/OFF to still show } //----------------------Battery Type Selection Routine------------------------------------------------ void batteryType (void) { exitMode = 0; //reset EXIT mode lcd.noCursor(); //switch Cursor OFF for this menu lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("Select Battery Type"); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("1=LiPo/Li-Ion 2=LiFe"); lcd.setCursor(0,2); lcd.print("3=NiCd/NiMH 4=ZiZn"); lcd.setCursor(0,3); //clear last line of time info lcd.print("5=PbAc 6=Exit"); //20 spaces so as to allow for Load ON/OFF to still show customKey = customKeypad.waitForKey(); //stop everything till the user press a key. if (customKey == '1'){ BatteryCutoffVolts = LiPoCutOffVoltage; BatteryType = ("LiPo"); } if (customKey == '2'){ BatteryCutoffVolts = LiFeCutOffVoltage; BatteryType = ("LiFe"); } if (customKey == '3'){ BatteryCutoffVolts = NiCdCutOffVoltage; BatteryType = ("NiCd"); } if (customKey == '4'){ BatteryCutoffVolts = ZiZnCutOffVoltage; BatteryType = ("ZiZn"); } if (customKey == '5'){ BatteryCutoffVolts = PbAcCutOffVoltage; BatteryType = ("PbAc"); } if (customKey == '6'){ //Exit selection screen exitMode = 1; } if (customKey == '7' || customKey == '8' || customKey == '9' || customKey == '0' || customKey == 'A' || customKey == 'B' || customKey == 'C' || customKey == 'D' || customKey == '*' || customKey == '#'){ batteryType(); //ignore other keys } batteryTypeSelected(); //briefly display battery type selected and discharge cut off voltage lcd.clear(); } //--------------------------Zero Setting Offset Routine-------------------------------------------- void zeroOffset (void) { if (digitalRead(ZeroSet) == LOW) { delay(200); //simple key bounce delay readVoltageCurrent(); //routine for ADC to read actual Voltage and Current voltageOffset = voltage; currentOffset = current; } } //--------------------------Set DAC Voltage-------------------------------------------- void dacControl (void) { if (!toggle){ dac.setVoltage(0,false); //set DAC output voltage to 0 if Load Off selected if(Mode == "BC" && ActualVoltage >= BatteryCutoffVolts && timer.status() == 1){ timer.stop(); } }else{ dac.setVoltage(controlVoltage,false); //set DAC output voltage for Range selected if(Mode == "BC" && ActualVoltage >= BatteryCutoffVolts && timer.status() != 1){ timer.start(); } } } //--------------------------Battery Selected Information-------------------------------------------- void batteryTypeSelected (void) { if (exitMode !=1){ //if battery selection was EXIT then skip this routine lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(2,0); lcd.print("Battery Selected"); lcd.setCursor(8,1); lcd.print(BatteryType); //display battery type selected lcd.setCursor(2,2); lcd.print("Discharge Cutoff"); lcd.setCursor(6,3); lcd.print(BatteryCutoffVolts); //display battery discharge cut off voltage lcd.print(" volts"); delay(3000); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------